Stamina - Restore Wellness Clinic

Stamina refers to the ability to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort. More simply put, it's your overall energy levels and how efficiently your body can function despite fatigue or stress over time. Having good stamina provides many benefits:

You can improve stamina through regular cardiovascular exercise. Going for runs, swims, bike rides over 20-60 minutes triggers adaptations like: Your diet also plays a key role. Getting adequate protein, healthy carbs, essential fats, vitamins, minerals and staying hydrated fuels your ability to keep exerting yourself. Rest and recovery are also vital. Listening to your body, taking rest days between intense workouts, prioritizing sleep, and effectively managing stress prevents overtraining so your energy levels can replenish. Beyond fitness, having stamina in your job or other pursuits requires pacing yourself, taking breaks, fueling properly, and not exceeding your capacity too often. In summary, stamina gives you resistance against fatigue and powers your physical and mental efforts over long durations. Build your endurance through smart training, nutrition, rest, and avoiding overexertion. The payoff is having energy reserves that let you show up day after day and keep performing at a high level without burning out.

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